Thursday, December 02, 2021

The Doctor of Digital Podcast (Unedited transcript) Want to Upgrade Your Facebook Marketing Strategy? Part 2 CIII 5-Minute Lesson Digital Brownbag - The Doctor of Digital™

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 Podcast: Want to Upgrade Your Facebook Marketing Strategy? Part 2 CIII 5-Minute Lesson Digital Brownbag - The Doctor of Digital™

hello hello hello again this is a doctor digital podcasts on continuing an episode here with upgrade your Facebook marketing strategy part to manage influencer partnerships and this is the number 2.that I picked up from the last episode influencer partnerships are also increasingly important for marketing your business on Facebook

fortunately Facebook has brand collabs manager a built in tool to streamline influencer marketing. it offers a variety of helpful features from finding the right creator for a project to disclosing your relationship correctly to access brand collabs manager navigate to your pages monetization tools in creator studio

from there you can find influencers to work with. make sure your audiences align with yours. an approved partners. you can also share project briefs and review analytics from influencer collaborations without having to ask for reports

but be aware that Facebook may be planning substantial changes to this tool. if you're serious about influencer marketing keep an eye on the new partnership features that Instagram announced in 10/20/21

as face a Facebook could adopt a similar approach in the future. Instagram is testing a DM folder for partnerships and influencer finder from tool for businesses which could significantly improve the experience for both creators and brands

number 3 invest in on platform community if you've noticed a declining organic reach and engagement on your Facebook page creating reels and stories may help you turn those numbers around

but publishing Miller content on your page. isn't the right solution for every business. instead Facebook groups are in becoming increasingly important for brands looking for more creative solutions for driving engagement

what's the difference between groups and pages essentially pages are ideal for promoting your business while groups are designed for building a community around your business

you certainly can have both but it's important to know how to differentiate the 2. why your business has complete control of the content on a page groups rely much more on contributions from members to help your group reach its full potential

think about how you can encourage participation such as by asking thoughtful questions or hosting weekly events you can also invite members to create posts and start discussions to give your group

a life of its own. to make your group as visible as possible link it to your page. open your page and business manager and navigate to the settings click templates and tabs and turn on the groups tab then click on the new tab and link an existing group or create a new one

for example the at elemental or Facebook page features the brand's official elemental or community on its groups tab

the group complements the page by allowing members to ask questions share tips and even seek re sources for hiring experts using the brand's web design software

no matter how you organize your group. be sure to use all the available tools and keep an eye out for new ones

11/20/21. Facebook announced several new features for including community chats fundraisers and shops to help admins do more with their group's number 4 increase your revenue from Facebook host a paid online event with Facebook live

are you looking for even more ways to improve reach and engagement. Facebook live continues to gain steam largely due to the authentic appeal of live video. the engagement potential of Facebook live is no joke. a social insider study shows that live video engagement surpasses pre recorded video engagement sometimes by more than double

once you master the art of hosting Facebook live events for live streaming via third party web in our tools

consider taking advantage of Facebook's newest monetization option. Facebook now allows creators to host paid online events. so you can recoup some of the expenses from your hard work to get started navigate to your pages events tab in Facebook business manager and click paid online events

you'll need to apply for monetization and create a payout account after processing you can create your first paid online event

business manager creator studio. click the blue create page online event button. give your event a name and description and set the date and ticket price you can offer early purchase discounts to incentivize attendees or limit attendance

for a more exclusive event. you can also host your event on Facebook live or via an external link