Sunday, September 13, 2009

WH 2: 15 September 2009


Current Events

"Congressional Democrats Consider Parting With Obama on Afghanistan;" Obama has already committed 21,000 more troops to Afghanistan and he considering an escalation of 4,000 more troops. Some organizations are asking Americans to "Rethink Afghanistan."


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I reviewed the textbook situation and HW; and, Grading:

Quarter Grades

60% = Tests & Papers

25% = Assignments (class work & homework)

15% = Quizzes (announced & unannounced)

Semester Grade

40% of each quarter grade and 20% of the semester exam grade

Final Year Grade

Average of the first and second semester grades.


Section 1 The Scientific Revolution

Lecture material on The Scientific Revolution.

What information did you find for the HW questions on Adam Smith, Galen, or other historical figures in Chapter 10?

I made some references and I have "show and tell" material.


Works on Adam Smith:

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Penguin edition.

Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Harvard Classics)

Economics Explained: Everything You Need to Know About How the Economy, Robert L. Heilbroner


Discourse on Method and Related Writings (Penguin Classics), Rene Descartes

Who can summarize the iTunes podcast about "Adam Smith on the British North American Colonies," by Thayer Watkins of San Jose State University

Next, we will consider: WH 2: "Changing Views of the Universe" (After the Scientific Revolution).

1. Why was Copernicus’s theory seen as radical?
2. Define contradict.
3. What basic biographical details can you find out about revolutionary thinkers Bacon and Descartes?