Monday, March 29, 2010

WH II Honors: Feb. HW

p. 418, Preview Questions, #1-2.

p. 423, Questions, #4-5.

1. Degas


Social trends in the mid-1800s in France are readily apparent in the works of many of the impressionist artists. The work of Edgar Degas is a good example. In this activity you will learn about impressionism and about the contribution of Degas to a new style in painting and sculpture.

Edgar Degas


* Read the information on the Web site about Degas. Take notes as you read.
* Click on “Life” and read the information.
* Go back and click on “Artistic Styles.” Read the information.
* Click on two of Degas’ paintings and review his works.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions. Cf.

Be sure to fill in the information after the exercise: your name, your email, and email to the correct address:

Fill out the "Theodore Roosevelt Hand-out" as HW. Cf.

The Sepoy Mutiny


The Sepoy Rebellion

Go Online
For: Audio guided tour
Web Code: nap-2441

1. How was the Sepoy Rebellion a clash of cultures?

2. Which regions were most greatly affected by the Sepoy Rebellion?

Growing Discontent

In the 1850s, the East India Company made several unpopular moves. First, it required sepoys (see poyz), or Indian soldiers in its service, to serve anywhere, either in India or overseas. For high-caste Hindus, however, overseas travel was an offense against their religion. Second, the East India Company passed a law that allowed Hindu widows to remarry. Hindus viewed both moves as a Christian conspiracy to undermine their beliefs.

Then, in 1857, the British issued new rifles to the sepoys. Troops were told to bite off the tips of cartridges before loading them into the rifles. The cartridges, however, were greased with animal fat—either from cows, which Hindus considered sacred, or from pigs, which were forbidden to Muslims. When the troops refused the order to “load rifles,” they were imprisoned.

p. 434, Questions, #4-6, 8.

p. 442, Questions, #4-6, 8.

Monday: p. 452, Questions, #4-6, 8-9.

Tuesday: p. 460, Using Key Terms, #1-10. You just need to find the correct word; there is no need to write the entire sentence.

Wednesday: p. 471, #4-6, 8-9.

Thursday: p. 478, p. #4-6, 8-9; Preview Questions, p. 479, #1-2.

Friday: p. 486, p. #4-6, 8-9; p. 487, #1-3.