Thursday, April 22, 2010

WH II Honors: HW for Next Week, Monday-Friday

WH II Honors: HW for Next Week, Monday-Friday

Monday: p. 554, Preview Questions, #1-2

Finish the sentences:

Last week, what I liked least about the class was . . .

Last week, what I liked most about the class was . . .

Tuesday: p. 555, Picturing History

Reading Check


Why was the radio an important propaganda tool for the Nazis?

Reading Check


How did the "Strength through Joy" program help to support the Nazi regime?

Wednesday: p. 556, History Through Art

Reading Check


Why were artists and writers after World War I attracted to Freud's theory of the unconscious?

Thursday: p. 557

Reading Check


How did Heisenberg's uncertainty principle challenge the Newtonian worldview?

Section 4 Assessment, #4

Friday: p. 557, #5-6.