Friday, September 10, 2010

Honors World History II: HW for Next Week, Mon. - Fri.

HW or in-class work due the following day.

You may email to

Monday HW

1. Peruse Chapter 10 Revolution and Enlightenment, 1550-1800 (by Monday): in particular, when reading, be familiar with the material in Section 1 The Scientific Revolution;

2. If not answered already:

This was your first Homework assignment. Answer the question. Note that it can be answered online, emailed to me at, or as a hard copy. All three ways of doing your HW are acceptable. Nonetheless, it is most likely easiest to answer online.

Should homework assignments be posted on Friday for the following week?

Tuesday: I will talk more about using a wiki (and there is a video below to watch which may help you understand as well) on Monday and next week.

1. On a first come, first serve basis (use your randomly generated student classroom number; i.e., do not put your name anywhere online, I already know who you are since I have your student classroom number), accurately define the Terms, People, and Places.

The list follows:

Terms, People, and Places

Nicolaus Copernicus


Tycho Brahe

Johannes Kepler


Francis Bacon

René Descartes

scientific method


Robert Boyle

Isaac Newton



The definitions should be posted on this page:

Chapter 10 Section 1 The Scientific Revolution.


You have to join the wiki by emailing me at In your email, tell me who you are by name (especially if your email does not have your name in it), and what period you are in by telling me your student classroom number.

If you can add more information than the basic definitions once you see them posted please free to add to the discussion. Comments and questions on the material can be posted on the wiki page as well. The wiki page is something like a wall on a friend's Facebook page.


1. In the textbook, p. 299, answer #4-5.


1. In the textbook, p. 299, answer #6 & 8.


1. In the textbook, review the six "Reading Check" questions in Ch. 10 Sec. 1; you do not need to answer them by writing out the answers but you want to be sure you understand the questions and answers. If there is any material that you are unsure of make sure we have a chance to talk, and accurately answer, the "Reading Check" questions throughout the week in class.