Sunday, October 24, 2010

Honors World History II: HW for Next Week, Mon. - Fri.

Monday HW
1. p. 336, #1-3
Reminder: Quiz Ch. 11 Sec. 1
Email only if you answer (i.e., you voluntarily choose to participate):
Last week what I liked least about the class was . . .
Last week what I enjoyed most about the class was . . .
Tuesday HW
1. p. 337, Preview Questions, #1-2
2. p. 339, Picturing History, Why did the revolutionaries decide to use the guillotine to execute people?
Wednesday HW
1. p. 339, Reading Check, Examining, What were the differences between the Girondins and the Mountain?
2. p. 341, Connecting to the Past, #1
3. p. 342, Reading Check, Identifying, Whom did the Committee of Public Safety consider to be enemies of the state?
Thursday HW
1. p. 342, Reading Check, Evaluating, How did the French revolutionary army help to create modern nationalism?
2. p. 343, History Through Art, What factors helped Napoleon overthrow the Directory?
3. p. 343, Reading Check, Describing, Describe the government that replaced the National Convention?
Friday HW
1. p. 343, #4-6