Thursday, January 13, 2011

Honors Business Economics: 14 January 2011

Beyond the sound bites Current Events:


We visit with Kim Anderson, Grain Marketing Specialist for Oklahoma State University, about what is behind the possibility of higher food prices.


The Ch. 4 Sec. 1 Quiz Make-Up is available.

The Chapter 3 Section 3 Make-Up is available.

The Ch. 3 Sec. 2 Quiz Make-Up is today:


The Make-Up for the Chapter 3 Section 1 Quiz is today.

The Chapter 2 Make-Up Test is today.


The Ch. 2 Sec. 3 American Free Enterprise Make-Up Quiz is today.

Standard feature:

The electronic edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer is available. We have the Sunday edition, available on Mondays, in addition to the Tuesday through Friday editions on the other days.

Please follow the steps below:

Click on the words "Access e-Inquirer" located on the gray toolbar underneath the green locker on the opening page.
Password: 10888

Chapter 5: Supply

Section 3: Cost, Revenue, and Profit Maximization

Reading Strategy

Complete the graphic organizer below by explaining how total revenue differs from marginal revenue. Then provide an example of each.

Fixed Costs, Revenue, Break-even point

What are fixed costs? As applied to sneakers, explain fixed costs. Draw a sample graph as demonstrated in the video. Do the costs stay constant? Then, draw the second graph to understand the cost function. What if the cost is not stagnant? What is the difference between a linear and a non-linear revenue function? What is the formula for profit? What is the intersection of revenue and cost called?

Marginal Cost and Average Variable Cost

Draw the one graph demonstrated here. What is the first point that you should look for on the variable cost curve? When does the marginal curve reach a minimum? Where does the variable cost reach?

total costs

Micro average total cost

In-class assignment, working with a partner, answer the following questions.

What elements (they start from the very beginning of the clip) add up to the total cost?
As we add units, is the total cost going up, or down?
What happens when you add the fourth unit?
Do we have decreasing marginal return?
How much is the average total cost when we add the fourth unit?
Do the 5th and 6th units add to our production costs?
Why do production costs rise?

marginal costs

Deriving the Marginal Cost Curve

In-class assignment, with a partner, answer the following questions.

Draw the marginal cost curve.
Why does the marginal cost of production vary as you change the quantity you are producing?


e-commerce - evolution, 6:52

In-class assignment, with a partner, answer the following questions.

How has commerce changed over the years?
What happened in 1994?
What happened in the early days? What was it like then?
What happened with growth?
What do we expect to happen when looking ahead?
Summarize the first ten years in ecommerce.

break-even point

total revenue

marginal revenue

marginal analysis

profit-maximizing quantity of output

Companies in the News

FedEx Saves the Day

Measures of Cost

Fixed Costs

Variable Costs

Figure 5.6 Production, Costs, and Revenues

Total Cost

Marginal Cost

Reading Check


If a firm's total output increases, will the fixed costs increase? Explain.

Applying Cost Principles

Costs and Business Operation

Break-Even Point

Reading Check


What are the differences between an e-commerce store and a traditional business?

The Global Economy and You

6 January 2011, Napolitano in Brussels, 4:10

In-class assignment: with a partner, answer the following questions.

What is the U.S. doing to protect global supply?
What is the global supply chain?
What three areas does Napolitano address?
What are the consequences?
What might people lack?

Marginal Analysis and Profit Maximization

Total Revenue

Marginal Revenue

Marginal Analysis

Profit Maximization, 2:14

With a partner, answer the following questions.

What do economists assume about businesses?
What is the formula?
How do firms maximize profits?
How do firms in perfect competition perform?

Reading Check


Why do people, especially business owners, use marginal analysis?

Steve and Barry's Rules the Mall

In-class assignment, with a partner, fill in the graphic organizer.

Use the graphic organizer to identify examples of both fixed and variable costs.


Chapter 6 Prices and Decision Making

Why It Matters

The Big Picture

Section 1 Prices as Signals

Price is the monetary value of a product, which is normally established by supply and demand and is an important economic concept. Prices can be described as signals to both producers and consumers. High prices are signals for businesses to produce more and for consumers to buy less. Low prices signal the reverse. Prices have the advantage of being neutral and flexible. In addition, they permit freedom of choice, have no administrative costs, are highly efficient, and are easily understood by everyone. Non-price allocations systems such as rationing exist, but they suffer from a number of problems, including the issue of allocating ration coupons in a fair and equitable manner. Therefore, economists prefer the price system.

Student Web Activity


"Prices and Decision Making"

You have already learned that prices are the signals that help us make our economic decisions. You have also learned that markets are more efficient when there are large numbers of buyers and sellers and when the information about products in the market is relatively good. All of this results in a situation that results in more competitive prices and more satisfied consumers! The World Wide Web is helping consumers in this regard. For example, you can visit several bookstores to check prices without ever leaving home.

Destination Title:

Barnes and Noble





Start at the Barnes and Noble Web site.

1. Select a book of your choice from the Barnes and Noble Web site. What book did you select, and how much does it cost?

2. Next, go to the Web site. In the search box, type the same name of the book that you selected previously on the Barnes and Noble site. How much does the same book cost on the Web site?

3. Now, go to the Web site. In the search box, type the same name of the book that was selected previously on the other retailer sites. How much does the same book cost on this site?

4. Compare the three prices. Which was the lowest? The highest? Why do you think there were or were not differences in the prices? How do you think the free flow of information on the World Wide Web will affect consumer prices?

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 Reading Strategy

In-class assignment: with a partner, complete the graphic organizer by explaining the advantages of prices.

Guide to Reading

Section Preview

Content Vocabulary



In-class assignment, while working with a partner, in this satirical look at the possibility of health care rationing, what problem are they pointing out?

Health Rations and You, 2:22

ration coupon


Academic Vocabulary



Reading Strategy

Products in the News

Katrina Fallout

The Economic Impact of the BP Oil Spill, 7:27

Brookings expert Amy Liu has been tracking the recovery of the Gulf Coast ever since Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. In this week's @Brookings podcast, she discusses the enormous economic impact of the catastrophic BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on New Orleans, the Gulf Coast region, and the nation.

The Global Economy and You

Advantages of Prices

Reading Check


In what way do prices perform the allocation function?

Allocations without Prices


Problems with Rationing

Reading Check


What are the differences between the price system and rationing?

Prices as a System

Reading Check


How do prices allocate resources between markets?

Ch. 6 Sec. 1 Review

In-class assignment: with a partner, identify the problems associated with rationing.

Case Study

I Bought It On eBay

Section 2 The Price System at Work

Guide to Reading

Section Preview

Content Vocabulary

Academic Vocabulary

Reading Strategy

Companies in the News

Want prime seats? Get ready to bid?

The Price Adjustment Process

A Market Model

Figure 6.1 Market Equilibrium



Figure 6.2 Surpluses and Shortages


Equilibrium Price

Reading Check


How do surpluses and shortages help establish the equilibrium price?

Explaining and Predicting Prices

Change in Supply

Figure 6.3 Changes in Prices

Change in Demand

Change in Supply and Demand

The Importance of Elasticity


Real Estate Agent

Prices and Competitive Markets

Reading Check


How does the elasticity of a good affects its price?

Business Week Newsclip

What's Raining on Solar's Parade?

Section 3 Social Goals and Market Efficiency

Guide to Reading

Section Preview

Content Vocabulary

Academic Vocabulary

Reading Strategy

Issues in the News

Minimum Wage Rise Hurts Students

Ch. 4 Prep


Multiple Choice Quiz


Crossword Puzzle




Ch. 5 Prep

Chapter 5 Supply Multiple Choice Quiz


Chapter 5 Puzzle


Chapter 5 Supply Flashcards


Ch. 6 Prep

Chapter 6: Prices and Decision Making
Multiple Choice Quiz


ePuzzle Concentration


Academic, Glossary, People/Places/Events


Economics, 3:06

Email (or hand in hard copy) to

The Ch. 4 Sec. 1 Quiz Make-up is available.

The Economics of a Garage band, 5:01

Friday HW
1. p. 125, #6-8